Chili Habanero


Bot. Name: Capsicum chinense

Features: Habanero Tropical Red is one of the hottest chillies in the world – Sharpness 10 (scale 1-10). This species has its origin in the Caribbean.

Cultivation & maintenance level: Easy


Our NatureCube is a sustainable gift article. The seeds will transform after a short time into plants. Each cube is made of high-quality alder wood, filled with a special nutrient granulate, plant seeds and sealed with a sticker to protect it against germs. Most of the seeds we use are certified organic and are purchased from well-known seed dealers in Austria and Germany. The NatureCube is very esthetic and a perfect idea for a gift.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0.2 kg
Dimensioni 7.5 × 7.5 × 7.5 cm


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rispetta e custodisce la Natura

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